Chemical Account Research誌vol.47,no.6に分子ロボティクス関連の論文が4報 掲載されました

Single-Molecule Imaging of Dynamic Motions of Biomolecules in DNA
Origami Nanostructures Using High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy

Masayuki Endo and Hiroshi Sugiyama
pp 1645–1653
*Publication Date (Web):*March 6, 2014(Article)

Light-Driven DNA Nanomachine with a Photoresponsive Molecular Engine

Yukiko Kamiya and Hiroyuki Asanuma
pp 1663–1672
*Publication Date (Web):*March 11, 2014(Article)

Molecular Robots with Sensors and Intelligence

Masami Hagiya, Akihiko Konagaya, Satoshi Kobayashi, Hirohide Saito, and Satoshi Murata
pp 1681–1690
*Publication Date (Web):*June 6, 2014(Article)

Nanomechanical Molecular Devices made of DNA Origami

Akinori Kuzuya and Yuichi Ohya
pp 1742–1749
*Publication Date (Web):*April 29, 2014(Article)